Written by Josiah Chia and Alvis Lim, Edited by Chey Jedd
“A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room.”
~Robert Baden-Powell
The Scouting Movement has been touching hearts and educating youths since its creation by our founder Lord Robert Baden-Powell in 1907. Through the rigorous yet rich scouting activities, Scouts got the opportunity to develop their character and learn skills beyond the classroom. Today on 22 February 2023, Scouts across the globe are celebrating World Scout Day, taking this as an opportunity to reflect on their passion for scouting, reflect on what scouting has done for them, and reflect on their vision for scouting in the future.
As we recently held our annual Investiture ceremony, promoting promising candidates and strengthening our Troop, we hope to take this World Scout Day as an opportunity for our Scouts to reflect on their journey so far and think about 'How scouting has changed their lives for the better'. To share with us today would be our newly appointed Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Scout Leader.

Josiah Chia, Scout, 2023 Senior Patrol Leader
'Scouting has changed my life by giving me the opportunity to develop important life skills, such as adaptability and leadership. Without Scouts, I would not have had the opportunity to experience many different activities that have shaped me into the person I am today.
During the Scout Leadership Camp (SLC) last year, when my Patrol was constructing a clothesline, we realise that it was not stable. Despite almost running out of time, we did not panic. I quickly identified the root of the problem and lead my Patrol to make the necessary adjustments that were not part of the original design so that its functionality is still kept without having to redo the entire gadget.
If we were not able to stay calm and adapt to the situation or if my ability to lead my Patrol was not effective, I doubt that we would have been able to finish the clothesline with such little time left. It is through experiences like the one illustrated above that I am able to learn many skills that are very applicable both in my scouting life and everyday life.

For example, being able to think calmly and quickly adapt to any situation has been beneficial to me when dealing with unintended circumstances. During the recent PTM, we had to usher the parents to the seats in the hall. However, on the day itself, we discovered that we had underestimated the number of parents who came and the space we previously allocated for seating was not large enough.
Despite the rushed situation, I stayed calm and quickly came up with a solution. I then directed some ushers to grab more chairs and rearrange the seating arrangement to create more space. At the same time, the remaining ushers were tasked to escort the parents to their seats to ensure that we do not accidentally bump into them when moving the chairs.
In conclusion, scouting has given me priceless opportunities where I could develop myself to become a better me. As the newly appointed SPL, I aim to both improve myself and the Troop by ensuring the smooth running of our training so that we are able to learn and practise our skills effectively, which will eventually lead ourselves and the Troop to greater heights.'

Alvis Lim, Venture, Assistant Scout Leader
'Be prepared, the motto of scouting is a mantra that I apply consistently in my daily life. I personally feel that being prepared is achieving a state of mental readiness, allowing one to remain steadfast in the face of difficulties.
During our daily lives when we encounter difficulties, we would be left with 2 choices; to give up or to face the problem. I would always choose the latter, knowing that despite not being able to achieve success in one attempt, it would still allow me to get somewhere, eventually reaching my goal if I keep trying.

As a student, the fear of facing failures is extremely common amongst the majority, yet by being prepared to face it and not letting it affect me negatively, it allows me to learn from it and work harder instead of dwelling on it and letting it affect my mental health and motivation.
This mindset is built through the rigorous training of scouting, such as Venture Obstacle Journeys (VOJs) and Situational Response Initiative Tests (SRIT), where one would be forced to overcome unique scenarios while working under immense pressure. This allows Scouts to learn skills such as swift and decisive decision-making while challenging and fortifying one's mind so as to never give up in times of crisis.
The scouting values that are inculcated in me since the start of my scouting journey have allowed me to emerge stronger after conquering the difficulties encountered, enabling me to be prepared to face the incoming obstacles thrown at me in life.'