By Lim Ni Ler and Lucas Loh Following the previous Jihe, the scouts further developed their campsite development skills and sharpened their knotting and tying skills.
For the Sec 1s, they will be introduced to the most essential skillset in scouting--basha construction. As for the Sec 2s and 3s, their objective was to be able to build gadgets.
For the Sec 1s, two of our very capable ASLs, Yu Chuan and Alex took the Sec 1s for basha. The ventures demonstrated once for the Sec 1s to observe how a proper basha should be done. Along the way, the ventures explained the importance of each step and how the sec1s could apply their knowledge on knots such as the 1 round 2half hitch, to building a basha. They were then split into even smaller groups and began practising. Along the way, ventures supervised and corrected every mistakes so as to achieve perfection, to ensure the Sec 1s got the best start in knotting.
The Sec 2s and 3s meanwhile, were given designs of interesting and useful gadgets and were tasked to construct one within the time limit of 1.5hrs. All of them were cooperative and displayed teamwork amongst patrols and thus achieved maximum efficiency, hitting the target. They Sec 2s and 3s were then asked to propose changes to the gadgets to add to the gadgets capacityand functions, hence coming full circle in the process of gadget design.
Gadgets and basha are the fundamentals of a campsite and provides a way to evaluate patrols and their leaders. Good patrols will have strong and well designed gadgets that allow them to thrive in the camping environment, or taut and pristine bashas which they take great pride in. Hence, Camp Development is a way for the PL to show care for his men, as well as a way for the Patrol to express itself and show their standards.