By Ian Chien and Lucas Loh
The key focus of today's and the next few subsequent Jihes was patrol identity. To succeed as a patrol, identity and patrol spirit are the keys to success. Alex, Michael and I were tasked to take care of this activity.
After the patrol flag and patrol box briefing from Siu San, we began overseeing the various patrols to aid them in the process of the building their boxes. Ultimately, this is an opportunity to teach the patrol leaders to take charge of their newly formed patrols and to achieve efficiency through the division of labour. The patrol leaders were briefed by Alex and me on the various safety standards and procedures before they were released to start off their activities.
Shortly after, we began reorganizing and repacking the entire QM. The secondary 4 ventures were taking charge of the new revamp, which involved repainting the benches and improvising on whiteboards that will be used in future. Things are going well thus far, with the QM looking spick and span, ultimately providing a conducive environment for briefings, lessons and activities. This will in turn boost our efficiency for our future training operations.
As for the following few weeks, the patrols would be competing as a whole to make the best patrol box, best patrol flag and the best patrol mounting board, doing their best for the troop. Only with patrol spirit, can we skyrocket our efforts in building up troop spirit, ultimately advancing our skillsets and always staying multiple steps ahead of the game.