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Open House 2024

Written by Josiah Chia, Edited by Bryan Quan

11 May 2024 marked the day of Catholic High School’s annual Open House. On this day, Catholic High showcases the reasons students choose Catholic High School, and Catholic High Scout Group never fails to amaze.

In order to showcase what the Troop has to offer, we constructed a gateway and multiple bamboo gadgets, such as a multi-purpose gadget and a bench. We also ran a booth which displayed our achievements along with some of the activities that students can expect when they join our Troop. 

Some of our exemplary scouts were also present at the booth to interact with the parents and students, sharing about how Scouting in Catholic High has helped them grow from boys to young men, as well as how it has prepared them for life. Scouting in Catholic High is not just about learning hard skills such as tying knots and cooking, but more importantly the values, leadership, and unbreakable brotherhood that is forged along the way.

We hope that through this Open House, our visitors have gained a better understanding of who we are, as well as the unique and rewarding experiences that await them and their sons in Catholic High Scout Group, the premier scout group.



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