Written by Joshua Lee, Edited by Chey Jedd
On 9 August 2022, the Troop enthusiastically celebrated Singapore's 57th Birthday, National Day. The day of celebration was a good opportunity to reflect on how scouting can benefit the development of our nation and remind us all to continue giving back to our community through service.

This year was the first time since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic that Catholic High School held a live National Day Observance Parade. Our Secondary 2 and 3 Scouts got the great honour of representing the Troop and displaying their patriotism towards Singapore as part of this year's contingent.
Marching to our goal
Unsurprisingly for such a significant occasion, the Troop wished to show proper respect to our nation as well as display our discipline and determination through the clean execution of foot drills. Thus to achieve this, the Scouts trained themselves intensively and tirelessly with regard to foot drills for a little over a month. Other than the scheduled joint training sessions with the other Uniform Groups, the Scouts that were part of the contingent would also take some time during 集合 to train under the watchful guidance of the Scout Leaders.
Salute to our Nation
On 8 August, it was finally the day of the Observance Parade. Despite being nervous about performing in front of a live audience, the Scouts steeled themselves and were prepared to present themselves as well as possible.

The Troop is proud that this year, our Senior Patrol Leader Joshua Lee was a Contingent Commander, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Bryan Quan was part of the Flag Party, and Sec 3 Alvis Lim and Rhino Patrol Leader Jen Yih were the Flag Raisers. Of course, having a special role does not dictate the pride we feel towards all our Scouts who put in the effort and time to prepare for the parade.
Once the marching music started, the Scouts confidently marched alongside their UG brothers. With heads held high, swelling with pride towards their country, they sang the national anthem and recited the national pledge. Afterwards ending the parade with a march past; ultimately achieving a great performance.

Below is a short reflection by Senior Patrol Leader and Contingent Commander for the parade, Joshua Lee:
"I remember watching the parade when I was in Primary 5, and being in awe of my older brothers marching with such precision, coordination and discipline. I hoped to one day join their ranks, and to represent my CCA in such events to do my nation proud. I would have never thought that a few years down the road, I would get the opportunity to represent Scouts in this year's Observance Ceremony!
Although the training was tough, I believe that it was very fruitful and worthwhile; I felt that I have become more familiar with the common drills and had improved my own execution. As a whole, I felt more united with my contingent after the training sessions.
As a Uniform Group, we should be able to go above and beyond the standards expected of ourselves as drills can be considered a form of expressing one's character. Moreover, the training also benefits us in the long run as the improvements to our drills can also be observed during our scouting ceremonies like 升旗.
As the Contingent Commander, I will do my best and give it my all; I really hope that the audience are able to see the blood, sweat and tears we put into all the rehearsals leading up to this momentous occasion. Happy Birthday Singapore!"
