Written by Josiah Chia, Edited by Bryan Quan

On the 9 March 2024, the Troop gathered in the school hall to witness the investing of the new Secondary One Scouts into the Scout Troop. This Investiture ceremony signifies the first step in their Scouting journey, one that will have a positive lifelong impact on them.
With the parents of the Secondary One Scouts present to show their support for their children, the Level One Scouts stood proudly in their uniform, at their finest. Accompanied by their Level Two and Three seniors in the 马蹄 formation, the Scouts excitedly awaited the commencement of the ceremony.
When the ceremony started, the Level One Scouts were called upon from their individual Patrols. Led by their Patrol Leader, they stepped forward with pride and marched smartly to the front of the 马蹄. Our Group Scout Leader (GSL) Mr Andrew Chua and Scout Leader (SL) Mr Cai Wenchuan then layed the National Scarf on the Level One Scouts. This signified that the Level 1 Scouts now had the responsibility to uphold the Scout Promise and Law wherever they went, and that it was their duty exemplify it in their lives.

Following that, our GSL Mr Chua officiated their induction. The Level 1 Scouts placed their left hand on the Troop flag, and raised their right hand to form a Scout salute. In unison with the rest of the Troop, they recited the Scout Promise, enforcing their everlasting commitment to do their best to fulfil their duties as a Scout to the Troop and to their Country.
When the ceremony ended, the Level One Scouts were given the opportunity to celebrate this important milestone in their lives with their parents and Partrols. This Investiture marks the beginning of a transformative journey in their lives, where they will join a Patrol and journey with them for the coming years. We wish our newly inducted Level One Scouts all the best in their Scouting journey!
