Written by Daniel Ong, Edited by Chey Jedd
On 19 March 2022, the Troop gathered to commemorate the formal induction of the new Level 1 Scouts into Catholic High Scout Group. This would be the first time the Level 1s get to be with their Patrols. To safeguard the Scouts from the ongoing pandemic, each Scout was spaced out appropriately with a wider gap between Patrols.

Gaining strength, Solidifying commitment
During the ceremony, our ASL Siauw Yu Hern called upon each individual Patrol. Afterwhich, the Level 1s stepped forward with their Patrol Leader. The Patrol Leader then led them to the front of the 马蹄, where our GSL Mr Andrew Chua donned the national scarves on the Level 1 Scouts, formalising their commitment to themselves, their Patrol, the Troop and the nation. The presence of the PL also highlights his responsibility of taking care and nurturing his Patrol members.
Afterwards, the currently-invested Scouts placed their left hand on the Troop flag. As the left hand is the closest hand to their heart, this is a sign of their loyalty and commitment to the Troop. Then, they raised their right hand forming the Scout salute and recited the Scout Promise. During which, the rest of the Troop recited alongside them, signifying the unity and brotherhood of the Troop - where every Scout, regardless of rank and seniority, stands together as one. The Scout Promise is integral as it is a commitment of discipline and moral values that we as Scouts must uphold - not just when we don our uniform, but every single moment of our lives.

The formalisation of the investiture ceremony is crucial as it sets an example for the Level 1 Scouts. As the first major milestone in their scouting journey, this ceremony instils in them the attitude of discipline and maintaining the highest standards. At the end of the ceremony, the Level 1s took photos with their new Patrols.

After the investiture ceremony, the very first Patrol activity for the Level 1s began. The Scouts engaged in VOJ games that tested their teamwork, communication skills, and ability to think out of the box. For example in one of the stations, the Scouts had to think of a way to pull down a piece of rope dangling above them. Some simply chose to unsuccessfully attempt to swing a stick at it while the Scouts who were able to think creatively applied their knotting skills and tied a marlinspike on a piece of bamboo that was used to grab and pull down the rope.
Each VOJ game may seem simple in
execution, but the objectives and lessons behind them are varied beyond what was already listed above. For instance,
one station requires the Scouts to complete certain goals like stacking a card tower or placing an object at the highest point possible within a limited duration. To succeed, not only must manpower be distributed effectively, each Scout must have a clear objective and prioritise the correct actions. Some Scouts were too tunnel focused and prioritised actions which were not harmful but consequently did not contribute to achieving their goals.
Now as I start upon my chosen way
Although the pandemic has hindered much of our everyday lives, the Troop is still able to adapt and overcome, allowing the legacy of Catholic High Scout Group to be passed down to future generations.
As the Level 1 Scouts join their Patrols, they will be placed under the wings of their seniors, where they will learn countless skills from knotting to first aid to orienteering. They will go through countless tough and brutal training sessions that will hone both their skills and discipline. Moreover, they will forge unbreakable bonds with their batchmates and Patrol mates that will last them throughout their scouting journey and beyond.
With the beginning of their journey, these young 13 year olds will rise to the challenge and eventually lead their own batch of juniors as the seniors of the Troop.
Above: Photos by Venture Scout Chey Jedd