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June Camp 2018 at Pulau Ubin

By Liu Muxin

The Scouts went for their June Camp this year at Pulau Ubin for a total of 4 days. The camp was a form of training as well as a period of time when the Scout can learn through an adventure of an unfamiliar location.

Camp Development was the first activity upon arrival at the Jelutong Campsite where each Patrol built Bashas to sleep in. They also built Gadgets out of bamboo to act as clothes hangers. Every morning of their camp, they had an inspection to check their belongings, followed by a flag raising ceremony.

The next activities were mock-up scenarios where Scouts can practice their skills such as first aid and how to prone. They were also given situational tests and memory games to play. For their meals, they had to cook their own food with cooking stoves and an open fire.

They also had 1 backswood cooking session! Throughout the camp, each Patrol was graded on their skills, with Tiger Patrol graded as Best Patrol of 2018. Joash Cheng, the Patrol Leader of Tiger Patrol was also awarded the Best Camper Award.

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