By Lucas Loh

Today was a significant day for the troop as it marked the release of a brand new, revised knotting syllabus to be used for the years to come.
This knotting syllabus reflects the changing demands of excellence in our troop, bringing our knotting standards to a whole new level, not only directing the scouts on what knots must be learnt, but also teaching them how to do so.

This troop wide standardisation of excellence ensures that we will all be able to put the troop at the top, together, and that the baseline and bare minimum for our Scouts is excellence and being a cut above the rest.
Such an important role of inculcating the best was entrusted to the ventures, who were also the ones who came up with the knotting syllabus in line with the PSA Knotting Standards. This ensures that our Scouts, by the end of their Scouting phase, will be at the national standard for Ventures.

Other aspects of the Knotting syllabus include a new section on rope theory and rope care, both of which are fundamental to ensuring the long-term longevity and robustness of our ropes.
Finally, this syllabus comes in line with our nCOV-19 Preparedness Plan, as the syllabus document allows for scouts to learn knots at home, in case of activity cancellation or school closure.

This knotting syllabus has been made available here, for the collective good of Scouting in Singapore and the World.